
Falling in love with coffee.

In 2017, my wife and I moved to Kyushu, Japan for work. We found ourselves travelling all over the island during our weekends and holidays. We have always loved coffee, and thus seek out small coffee shops along the way to try. Kyushu has many little coffee shops with passionate individuals roasting their own beans. We were struck by the unique flavours that each shop had to offer, and they have been nothing but friendly towards us.

Fast forward to today, we’ve made many friends, and want to bring their coffee to our home country. Many of our friends and families are coffee lovers as well, and we know that Singaporeans appreciate a good cup of coffee. Each roasters' beans have a unique character reflecting the owner, and we want to bring some of that to the world, starting with home.

Why 9Coffee? It comes from the name Kyushu, where Kyu 九 means 9, as it originally had 9 provinces, now down to 7 prefectures. We hope to bring you coffee from all over if we can, and handpick the best we can find! If you have heard, or want to try coffee from around this island, do let us know and we will try our best to get you some!